Here are some of the basic Officials Rules and Regulations for this Saturday March Madness Smash Tournament 1.No items or stage hazards 2.Best of 3, grand finals best of 5 3.Possible Double Elimination (depending on entrees ) 4.No Mii players 5.3 stocks 5:00 min matches 6. Bring you own controller is Recommended 7.Battlefield or Omega form stages only 8.Players have 5mins after their name is called to check in for match or it will be counted as a loss. 9.Players can switch characters after each match if they choose. 10. If player pauses the game during the match or game...

Here are the foot notes for last coaching. Members please add comment and questions for open conversation and tips. who is you man, what is their weakness? Here are a few examples from the coaching session. Jiggly - light weight can die early Corrin- takes longer % to do kill attacks, Short combos Lil Mac- recover on stage, too fast, fwrd B is huge liability Pit - can't finish opponent @ 77% Bowser - Combo friendly for you opponent (Please add you main and tell us what you think is their weakness)   Master your normals aka you A,B...